TexShare Card Applications Open – Spring 2022
It’s time again to remind you about the TexShare program. TexShare is a program of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) that provides Texans with library borrowing privileges from more than 500 participating libraries across the state, including public, academic, and special libraries.
Note: This is a great way to increase your access to library materials from other libraries in the state, especially if you are not located near Alpine, Del Rio, Uvalde, or Eagle Pass. This program differs from InterLibrary Loan and Document Delivery services, which are also available for free to current students, staff, and faculty.
Current SRSU students, faculty, and staff are eligible to apply for a TexShare borrower’s card from the SRSU Library in Alpine. This card entitles you to borrow books and use other services at participating libraries. The SRSU Library also honors TexShare cards from other participating libraries for those who are not current students, staff, or faculty wishing to check out books from our library. See our website for more detailed information: https://library.sulross.edu/find-and-borrow/texshare/.
- Student TexShare cards are valid for one semester at a time, as eligibility is dependent on enrollment (currently issuing cards for students enrolled for Spring 2022)
- Faculty and Staff TexShare cards expire on August 31 of each year
If you have questions about TexShare please contact Al Gomez at 432-837-8272. General questions can be directed to srsulibrary@sulross.edu.