Website and Flipster Content Update
-via Systems Status Dashboard-
The Flipster button on the front page of the Library’s website has been replaced by a new button that links out to information about accessing the SRSU Masters Theses Collection in both print and electronic formats. Flipster is still accessible through Databases A-Z, our list of subscription databases, and other content.
In addition, there has been a change to the content we subscribe to through Flipster. Following an analysis of usage data versus cost, and to continue providing you with the most relevant resources, we have opted to cancel several titles available through Flipster.
The following titles are no longer available as of 9/1/2022:
- American Craft
- American Educational History Journal
- The American Poetry Review
- Animal Wellness magazine
- Billboard
- Car & Driver
- Civil War Monitor
- Clean Eating
- Cowboys & Indians
- Cuartoscuro
- Diabetes Self-Management
- Education Week
- Hola
- Information Today
- Quarterly Journal of Military History
- Nautilus
- Philosophy Now
- Reminisce
- Writer’s Digest
- Young Children
The following titles will no longer be available as of 1/1/2023:
- American History
- Archealogy
- Art in America
- Astronomy
- The Atlantic
- Atomic Ranch
- Backpacker
- The Baffler
- Bloomberg Businessweek
- Bon Appetit
- Catster
- Cermancis: Art & Perception
- Consumer Reports
- Discover
- Dwell
- Edge
- Esquire
- Essence
- Gay Times
- Green Teacher
- Metalsmith
- National Geographic
- The New Yorker
- Popular Mechanics
- Psychologist
- School Arts
- The Sun
- Texas Highways
- Texas Park & Wildlife
- VegNews
- YES! Magazine
- Yoga Journal
We have retained our subscriptions to the following titles:
- Willow & Sage
- Retro Gamer
- Hobby Farms
- Eating Well
- ABILITY Magazine
- Texas Gardener
- Acres U.S.A.
- Prevention