Updated links – New QuickSearch user interface coming August 2024
-via Systems Status Dashboard–

In preparation for the transition to the upgraded user interface offered by EBSCO databases, including our discovery layer QuickSearch and subject-specific databases provided by EBSCO*, we’ll offer faculty workshops throughout August. Mark your calendars!
In addition to workshops, a customized SRSU Research Guide covering the transition is now available at sulross.libguides.com/quicksearch . In the meantime, feel free to review this information offered by EBSCO: The New EBSCOhost Interface – Quick Start Guide
. The new interface brings many new features, including a personalized dashboard to save and organize research, new ways to refine, navigate, and share search results, and the Concept Map, an interactive and visual search tool. We are excited to make this transition!
Preparation for MyEBSCO Users
For those who utilize a personal MyEBSCO account to save and organize research, the new interface provides better integration with QuickSearch, making it easier to access account features.
With the migration, the previous folders used to organize saved research will become known as projects. Any folder content saved under custom folders will not be transferred to the new interface. Custom folder content must be moved over to the more general My Folder area before the transition in August. For your reference, we have created the MyEBSCO Folder Migration Guide available with all SRSU Research Guides.
*Review database content from EBSCO on Databases A-Z here .