Fall Reserves @ WML Alpine
-via Al Gomez, Library Assistant in Digital Imaging and Circulation Manager-
Faculty who would like to make their personal material available to students to access in the Bryan Wildenthal Memorial Library for Fall classes, now is the time to place those materials on Reserve. Everything faculty need to know about Reserves is here: https://library.sulross.edu/help-support/reserves/, or jump directly to the Faculty Reserve Form (PDF).
Faculty may also use this reminder to donate and/or recommend a purchase to our Textbook Collection. The Textbook Collection is part of our permanent holdings. Textbooks are made available for four-hour, in-house use checkouts. Note that all Course Reserves and Textbooks are filed as TEXTBOOKS in the collection to reduce confusion. These borrowing services are popular with our students.
With recommendations for any aspect of the collections, please contact srsulibrary@sulross.edu.
Note that the use of copyrighted materials for instructional purposes must be done in compliance with U.S. copyright law.