Announcing Fall 2023 Faculty Research and Artistic Activities Celebration
On May 15, 2023 the Office of the Provost announced the Faculty Research and Artistic Activities Celebration to be exhibited in the Bryan Wildenthal Memorial Library from Monday, October 16 through Friday, November 3, 2023. Faculty research and artistic activities from the last year will be physically displayed in Alpine and virtually through the Library and Archives Digital Collections (digitalcollections.sulross.edu)
For the inaugural year, we pulled as many references to SRSU Faculty work as we could from our own holdings, physical and electronic. We welcomed loans of faculty’s personal items for physical display, as long as they fit the criteria. We will continue with this procedure for year two – but this year with more time to prepare.
We also created a Digital Collection of SRSU Faculty Publications as part of this process that we would love to grow. Research submitted for ongoing online display should meet the terms in the nonexclusive license: https://sulross.libwizard.com/f/facultypubs
We’ll be working through details this summer that will enable us to display RGC Faculty scholarship at RGC campuses this fall as well.