All job postings for Sul Ross State University are available using the PeopleAdmin portal. To search and apply for open positions, navigate to to view all open positions. Enter search criteria in the provided search box to narrow your search.

When you are ready to apply for an open position, Click Log In/Create Account to either create a first-time account or log-in with an existing account. In order to create a first-time account, you will need:

  • optional resume to upload
  • selected username
  • password
  • first and last names
  • email (and email confirmation)

Student Positions

SRSU Library and Archives employs Work Study-eligible students on an hourly basis in a variety of positions that are both challenging and responsible. Jobs are posted throughout the year.

Staff Positions

Librarian and Archivist Positions

Librarians and Archivists at Sul Ross State University are required to hold at least a master’s degree in library or information science from an ALA-accredited program, and work within the standards, policies, and rules of the academic profession.

last updated: February 3, 2025