Welcome Student Success Librarian Joslyn Sandlin
Joslyn Sandlin started as our Student Success Librarian on Tuesday, January 18. She has hit the ground running getting to know our space in Alpine, our resources, and our services. And she’s eager to make plans to visit Del Rio, Eagle Pass, and Uvalde this semester with the rest of our librarian crew.
Joslyn is ready to work for you and with you! She is here to carry out our mission to positively impact students success by providing information literacy education, coordination of our library reference services for student and faculty support, and through the further development of our outreach and education activities in person and online across all four campuses.
Connect with Joslyn directly at joslyn.sandlin@sulross.edu to schedule time for her to attend or teach your class, and continue reach all of the SRSU Librarians at once (Elizabeth, Mike, Joslyn, and me) at srsulibrary@sulross.edu. Joslyn’s contact info is also available on our internal Staff Directory.
A little about Joslyn:
Joslyn is grateful to be at SRSU as the Student Success Librarian. In her past life, Joslyn has worked in newspapers, museums, libraries, and as a public schoolteacher. Outside of academic pursuits, her interests include baking, embroidery, gaming, music, and spending time with her family – including her two cats.
Join us in welcoming Joslyn to West Texas and SRSU.